NOMAT: Nonton Hemat Film Bioskop & Serial TV Terbaru Subtitle Indonesia Gratis

Golden Kamuy: The Hunt of Prisoners in Hokkaido (2025)

Kualitas: HD
Rating: 7 / 10 (53)
Negara: Japan
Tahun Rilis: 2025
Durasi: 60 Mins.
Sinopsis: Set immediately after movie "Golden Kamuy," the hunt for the escaped prisoners with the tattoos that collectively reveal the location of hidden gold is in full swing. Retired war veteran Sugimoto Saichi and Ainu native Asirpa are in the hunt to find the gold before others do so and their journey to find the gold nuggets enters a new phase.

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Nonton Golden Kamuy: The Hunt of Prisoners in Hokkaido (2025)

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