NOMAT: Nonton Hemat Film Bioskop & Serial TV Terbaru Subtitle Indonesia Gratis

The Magic Penguin (2024)

Kualitas: HD
Rating: 2.9 / 10 (1,719)
Genre: Family, Drama
Negara: USA
Tahun Rilis: 2024
Durasi: 89 Mins.
Sinopsis: When a hilarious and beloved talking penguin named Roi is kidnapped by a couple of crazy criminals, his home country is thrown into a tailspin. With Roi’s safety and the fate of a nation hanging in the balance, the most trusted knight in the land and his young son must join forces to rescue their fine feathered friend. Along the way, this dynamic father and son duo soar to new heights as they uncover clues and rediscover the bond that has been missing in their own relationship.

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Nonton The Magic Penguin (2024)

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