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NOMAT: Nonton Hemat Film Bioskop & Serial TV Terbaru Subtitle Indonesia Gratis

Heo's Diner (2025)

Kualitas: HD
Rating: 0 / 10 (0)
Negara: Korea
Sutradara: 0
Tahun Rilis: 2025
Durasi: 60 Mins.
Sinopsis: The man from Joseon who jumped 400 years in time in search of true flavor! An authentic time-traveling culinary drama by Joseon Diner Heo Kyun. Joseon, a historical time when status and regulations prohibited many things and discriminated against many people. Heo Kyun, a progressive and liberal thinker who dreamed of establishing a society where everyone can live equally without status system, was a problematic figure in Joseon. In the end, those ideas led to his exile. At the moment of his death, he suddenly jumped 400 years and came to Seoul in 2024! He continues his life working in a restaurant with the mother and daughter who saved his life. Everything seems perfect at first However, due to the sudden accident, Heo Kyun becomes the chef of the restaurant and tries to discover the killer.

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Nonton Heo's Diner (2025)

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